If you’ve been on the internet at all in the past few years, you’ve probably heard about self care Sunday or practicing self care in general.
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The idea of slowing life down and caring for yourself shouldn’t be novel, yet it’s an idea that’s gained massive popularity recently.
With anxiety and depression ever increasing in our modern world, the time to practice self care is now.
Contrary to popular belief though, self care doesn’t have to be time consuming, selfish, or expensive.
Just check out the following 25 self care Sunday ideas to kick off your week on the right note.
And guess what?
They’re totally free!
Related: My Daily Self Care Checklist (+ Why You Need One, Too!)
1. Make a cup of your favorite tea
Yes, something as simple as making a cup of your favorite tea totally counts as self care!
Take a moment to unwind, and maybe even indulge in a cup of honey lavender stress relief tea if it suits you.

2. Do a DIY face mask (try this yummy chocolate mask OR this 4-ingredient brightening strawberry clay face mask)
Creating your own at-home spa day is another easy and cheap way to practice self care.
While self care isn’t only bubble baths and a cup of your favorite calming drink, taking care of yourself may very well look like this in your eyes and be just what the doctor ordered.

3. Sign out a new book from the library and read for fun
Giving your mind time to break away from the stress of everyday responsibilities and routines is a critical part of practicing self care.
Allow yourself to escape by picking up a new book from the library and granting yourself at least 30 minutes of uninterrupted reading time.

4. Take a bubble bath
You can’t go wrong with a warm bubble bath as an ideal way to relax and unwind.
You can even pair this with other self care Sunday ideas on this list, like bringing in a book and applying a face mask while you soak!

5. Do a Youtube yoga video
One of the best parts about living in today’s modern world is how accessible information can be to us.
There are so many free workout videos available on the internet, and yoga can be an amazing way to not only get moving but also ease your mind and indulge in self care.

6. Check something off your to-do list
There’s no better way to start off your morning self care routine than by checking something off of your to-do list.
While self care Sunday ideas tend to gravitate towards relaxation and treating yourself, you can also find relief in taking the time to prioritize and execute your personal goals.
Even if it’s something as simple as tidying up your bedroom or making a healthy breakfast, do something today that’s entirely for you.

7. Take 15 minutes and straighten out a room in your home (because clutter can seriously impact our stress levels)
Speaking of tidying up your room, this alone can be a great self care idea!
Believe it or not, the spaces around us can totally impact our stress levels and our overall mood.
If you need some help getting started, make sure you check out Marie Kondo’s “The Life Changing Art of Tidying Up”, which is a cult favorite for getting organized and “sparking joy” in your everyday life.

8. Take a walk/jog
There’s no better way to clear your head than by getting outdoors.
Head to your local park or even just take a walk around your neighborhood to get active and take care of your body as part of your self care Sunday routine.

9. Visit the local animal shelter and spend some time petting puppies
In serious need of a pick me up? Say no more.
Even if you don’t have animals of your own, get your puppy fix by heading to your local animal shelter for a visit.
When I volunteered at the SPCA in college, this was by far one of my favorite things that I looked forward to each week, so I can personally vouch that playing with puppies is a valid form of self care!

10. Listen to a podcast
Listening to podcasts is a great way to keep your mind busy while also getting away from whatever it is that may be stressing you out.
Check out this list of 5 podcasts you need in your life to get started with a few of my personal favorites.

11. Unplug from social media for the day (or even ditch your phone entirely if you can)
While staying connected has its perks, it can also result in some major anxiety (or FOMO, anyone?).
Take as much time as you can to unplug from social media from time to time, and focus on doing something that truly brings you joy — not just keeps you busy (i.e. scrolling endlessly through Instagram).

12. Go to a local lake or park and do your work outside by the water
Sometimes you can’t take a complete break from your responsibilities.
What you can do though, is change your surroundings.
Head to your favorite lake or park to work for the day, and embrace the serenity of the outdoors.

13. Cook a healthy meal at home
What better way to unwind than by spending some time in the kitchen?
If you’re feeling ambitious on a self care Sunday you may even want to opt to meal prep, providing yourself with delicious, nourishing, and stress-free meals all week long.

14. Listen to your favorite album
When in doubt, put on some of your favorite tracks.
It’s the most surefire way to get yourself in a good mood and ready for the day.

15. Go for a drive
Sometimes the best (and possibly only) way to clear our minds is to go for a drive.
There’s something about getting in the driver’s seat and putting on your favorite song that just never fails to soothe soul.
Anyone else feel this way, too?

16. Clean out your closet and donate what you don’t want
Along with tidying up the space around you, another self care Sunday project you may want to consider is cleaning out your closet.
I know, it doesn’t sound like self care…maybe it even sounds like a chore.
However if an overload of items and constant clutter is stressing you out in your everyday life, this may be one of the best unconventional self care ideas there are.

17. Paint your nails
Pamper yourself without the hefty salon price tag by doing your very own DIY at-home manicure.
If you want to take things a step further, you may even want to invest in a UV nail light and a few gel polishes.
While it takes a bit of practice, I love putting on my favorite show on Netflix and doing my own gel nails on the weekend!

18. Make a mood/inspiration board for your office
One of the best ways to get inspired is by creating a mood board.
Piece together some of your favorite pictures, quotes, etc., and create a new wall hanging for your home office or other workspace to keep you feeling positive even on the more stressful days.

19. Teach yourself something that you’ve been wanting to learn (there’s lots of Youtube tutorials and free advice online!)
One of the greatest blessings of our modern society is the access we have to free information online.
So pick something you’ve always wanted to do, and start learning.
There’s countless videos on Youtube for almost any hobby, so indulge yourself and make the time to learn something special.

20. Have a movie night with friends
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the company of your best girl friends and your favorite feel good movie. What’s not to enjoy about that?

21. Have a glass of wine (in your coziest robe with a bowl of popcorn, Olivia Pope style of course)
Does sitting down with a glass of wine count as self care? Abso-freakin’-lutely!

22. Plan out your outfits for the next week
Keep yourself feeling stress free throughout the week by planning out outfits ahead of time.
It’ll reduce the amount of time it takes you to get ready in the morning by more than you’d think, allowing you to sleep in just a little bit longer and enjoy a bit more of a peaceful morning.

23. Make an inspirational gallery wall for your home (print out pictures/quotes from the internet + use frames you already have!)
Believe it or not, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to create an inspirational gallery wall in your home.
Pinterest has plenty of free quote templates you can print, so grab any old frames you may have and start decorating.

24. Rearrange your furniture
In need of a bit of change?
Rearrange your furniture to create more room and make your home flow better.
While it may feel more like work and less like self care in the moment, sitting down when you’re done and relaxing in your new, uncluttered space will be a great way to decompress.

25. Write down five things you’re grateful for
You can never go wrong by keeping a gratitude journal.
This is something that’s helped me immensely during some of the more anxiety ridden days of my life, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who’s feeling a bit down or overwhelmed.
It always helps to take a step back and think about the things that are going right in your life, instead of focusing on all the wrong.