If you’re struggling to master the art of working from home, simply tweaking your routine with a few key working from home tips can be game changing for your productivity.
Though working from home may sound like a dream to most of us, the reality of that situation is often surprising.
After all, working from home requires a different level of discipline than an office job.
While one isn’t necessarily better or worse than the other, more freedom does come with more distractions and responsibility.
Whether you’re new to working from home or a seasoned pro, check out these 10 essential working from home tips to up your work at home game and increase your productivity today!
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10 Working From Home Tips That Will Make You More Productive
1. Set Your Hours
One of the biggest blessings of working from home is the flexibility.
Without the pressure of having to arrive to the office at a certain time, getting to work is as simple as walking into your home workspace and getting started.
Though this is one of the exciting aspects of working from home, it can often end up being a source of detriment when it comes to productivity.
One of the main benefits of working in an office setting is the structure that this scenario provides.
You have your peers to keep you on track, with most people getting to the office and leaving at a similar time each day.
If you’re taking lunch with coworkers or holding meetings, there’s even additional structure throughout the day thanks to those around you.
Though the flexibility of somewhat setting your own hours and working from home can prove tricky, that’s why setting strict office hours for yourself is one of the best working from home tips out there.
Just like if you were working in an office, decide what time you’re going to start work, take a lunch break, and end your work for the day.
Investing in a good daily planner is never a bad idea, either.
Though your routine may vary slightly day to day (i.e. having to work later than expected or moving your lunch hour back to take a virtual meeting), developing a structure and sticking to it will help you to remain on task throughout the day and ultimately boost productivity.
2. Get Ready for the Day
Sweatpants, hair tie, chilling with no makeup on sounds like an ideal way to spend the day, right?
Not to mention, it’s actually possible when working from home.
While getting cozy is certainly tempting when you don’t have officemates around, getting ready for the day can be an important part of creating a structure and routine for yourself.
Getting into formal attire obviously isn’t necessary when you’re working from home, but make an effort to at least change out of your pajamas and into something presentable.
There’s nothing like setting the tone for the day right off the bat!
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3. Remove Distractions
One of the most difficult parts about working from home is conditioning yourself to remain focused among a plethora of distractions.
Whether it’s your dog constantly barking at each car that goes by or the ability to do a load of laundry in the middle of the day, the potential diversions are countless.
Even worse is the fact that many of these interruptions seem harmless and brief when looked at individually.
However, when you add up all of the little things here and there that take you away from your desk when working from home, that amount of time can actually become pretty significant.
Take inventory of all the little distractions throughout your workday at home, and focus on minimizing them.
That load of laundry you wanted to do? Or sweeping the floors quickly? Take care of it during your scheduled lunch break.
The little things really do make all the difference.
4. Schedule Breaks
Along with setting setting your hours, getting ready for the day, and removing distractions, another one of our essential working from home tips includes taking scheduled breaks.
Everyone needs to take a break and decompress at some point.
It’s even known to boost productivity and strike inspiration.
Sometimes taking a break can be more difficult in a home setting, due to the flexibility of the situation and overall lack of structure.
Make sure you schedule breaks for yourself throughout the day.
This will help keep you on task and will provide you a designated time to do the little things around the house you want to do, without taking away from your focus and what you’re working on.
5. Set Up a Designated Workspace
In an effort to eliminate distractions and increase productivity, make sure you set up a designated workspace.
Whether you’re working from home temporarily or permanently, it’s a good idea to create a space in your home that will serve as your office.
This helps to set the tone for the workday and also remove any unnecessary distractions.
Some of our favorite picks for a home office include this gorgeous cream desk, these weathered grey cube organizers, and these inspirational ban.do pencils.
Related: 5 Steps to a Beautiful Home Office
6. Practice Time Batching
Whether you work at home or in an office, another way to increase your productivity is through the use of time batching.
For those of you who haven’t heard of this tactic, time batching is defined as, “a simple time-management productivity hack that allows you to take advantage of your full concentration by grouping a bunch of similar activities together and doing them all at the same time.”
Time batching allows you to gain intense focus and also reduces the clutter throughout the day of switching gears too often.
Try it for yourself with one of these nifty time cubes, and see what you can accomplish!

7. Stay Social
Because working at home can sometimes feel isolating, it’s important stay social.
Whether you’re able to get out of the house or not, try scheduling virtual meetings with coworkers or talking on the phone to keep in touch.
While emails and texts are certainly efficient, sometimes you can’t replace that face-to-face communication.
8. Overcommunicate
Along with maintaining face-to-face or voice communication as a means of staying social while working remotely, another one of the most important working from home tips is overcommunicating.
Communication is a common challenge in any company, even at times for those who work in the same office.
Working remotely poses a unique challenge however, as you’re not constantly in contact with your coworkers.
Go the extra mile to over communicate and ensure everyone is on the same page, instead of making assumptions that you were understood the first time you said something.
Clarification is key when working remotely.
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9. Remove Yourself From Your Work
Along with setting office hours, it’s important to remember to remove yourself from work when the day is over.
It’s easy the blur the lines when working from home, whether you’re obsessively checking your email throughout the evening or responding to phone calls after you’ve technically stopped working for the day.
There’s nothing wrong with the determination to work late at times and get things done, but it’s important to know your limits and set boundaries.
This is especially important when you’re working from home, because everything tends to blur together and it’s much easier to log back in when you’re working remotely versus if you’ve physically left the office for the day.
10. Take Advantage of It
While it’s important to retain a schedule and structure to your workday, don’t be afraid to take advantage of the perks of working from home.
This doesn’t mean that you should abandon your set hours or blur the lines between work and play.
However, you do have the ability when working from home to create your own environment that works best for you.
Does a certain type of music help you get into the zone?
Does your pet help alleviate anxiety after a difficult phone call with a client?
Take advantage of your home surroundings and build a space for yourself that helps you be your best every day.