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Homemade Nut Butter With Chia Seeds, Flax Powder & More

If there’s one thing I’ve been crazy about lately, it’s almond butter. I love the consistency — a little less oily than peanut butter, yet just as delicious. I’ve actually been going through about a jar a week, and it’s borderline becoming a problem…except for the fact that it’s packed with loads of health benefits like vitamin E, magnesium and iron, so not really.

Nut butters are a total staple in my kitchen not just because they taste good, but mainly because of their versatility. I’ll put a tablespoon on a banana, apple and even in my smoothies. (This crunchy smoothie recipe using almond butter is my absolute favorite.) I get bored of eating the same meals/snacks over and over again, so this is a major necessity for me when it comes to shopping for food.

Like I said, almond butter really packs a nutritional punch. It’s got loads of protein and fiber and, according to Care2,  is even known to reduce bad cholesterol and stabilize blood pressure. So, the other day when I was devouring my daily dose of almond butter and fruit I had a thought. Why not supercharge my nut butter with other nutritional elements I care about?

Here’s how it went down:


♥ 1 cup almonds

♥ 1 tbsp pure maple syrup

♥ 1 tbsp chia seeds

♥ 1 tbsp flax powder


♥ Use your food processor to break down the ingredients until you achieve your desired texture.

♥ The mixture will build up on the sides of the food processor, so stop to scrape them down every few minutes.

♥ Know that it takes quite awhile for the almonds to break down to the point where they release enough oil to turn the nut particles into a butter-like consistency. Be patient. It’s worth it!

You can also substitute a lot of these ingredients to match your own personal preferences, including your nut of choice. Share your recipes in the comments below so I can try too!



Holly Habeck

Holly is a millennial travel and lifestyle writer based in New York. With ten years of experience in digital publishing and photography starting with her work writing for College Fashionista and Her Campus at Ithaca College, Holly has been featured in publications such as Southern Living and Lonely Planet. She enjoys sharing her travel expertise as well as lifestyle inspiration in categories such as home décor, DIY beauty, and fashion. More importantly though, Holly is a true Hufflepuff, and her Starbucks order forever remains a grande Iced Sweet Cream Cold Brew. When she's not writing or editing photos for this site, you can find her reading anything in the Sarah J. Maas universe or cuddling with her chihuahua x pomeranian pup Pixie.