Looking to learn the science and art of energy work using crystals, but not sure where to get started? Here is a list of the best crystals for beginners, and how you can use them to protect, heal, expand, or otherwise transform your energy!

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Like every atomic structure, crystals hold energy in the bonds that hold the molecule together.
Each crystal has a unique molecular structure, with unique bonds with specific characteristics that determine the strength of the bond and the manner that the atoms exchange or share energy.
Because these crystals contain so much molecular energy, they are capable of absorbing energy from their environment, which from there the crystal can neutralize or transform.
The original or now transformed energy can also be released by these crystals, impacting the people it comes in contact with.
Therefore, energy is exchanged both ways between crystal and user.
More and more people in recent years have demonstrated interest or curiosity in these healing crystals and how to use them to heal, smooth, protect, etc.
Many beginners find themselves intimidated in beginning this journey, so I have created a general list of the best crystals for beginners.
I will explain the meaning of each of these crystals for beginners, including the magickal or metaphysical properties of the crystal, the chakra they correlate to, and how to meditate with crystals, as well as which crystals to meditate with.
I will also explain how to charge crystals (how to fill them with new and positive energy), as well as how to cleanse crystals (how to energetically drain the crystal of old, negative, undesired energy that no longer serves you).
Finally, I will show you how to use this information on the best crystals for beginners to put together your very own complete crystal starter kit.
From there you can continue to grow and expand your knowledge and collection with the help of some of my favorite books!
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12 Best Crystals for Beginners [The Ultimate DIY Crystal Starter Kit]
1. Quartz
Perhaps the most fundamental healing crystal is quartz, more specifically clear quartz.
If you are not familiar with the varieties of quartz, make sure to look into this crystal’s properties, characteristics, similarities, and differences.
I will talk about both clear quartz and rose quartz in this list, because they are the most fundamental, but there are other varieties as well that are suitable crystals for beginners!
Another great example is smoky quartz.
Quartz works synergistically to take the energy emitted by any other crystal and multiply it many, many times, thus making it significantly stronger.
Physically, quartz stimulates the immune system and metabolism, and ends the body of toxins.
Metaphysically, clear quartz stimulates the crown chakra, which connects us to our highest form of consciousness/draws us closer to the divine.
Clear quartz also encourages spiritual growth, clears energetic blockages within the chakras, and protects against negative energy.
How to Cleanse Quartz Crystals
This crystal can be cleansed of old energy in water, and recharged by moonlight.
A great time to do this is during the full moon.
You can also cleanse and charge it with smoke from herbs like palo santo or sage, or incense.
Clear quartz is said to be self regulating, meaning it doesn’t need manual cleansing, and will do so by itself.
Clear quartz can be used to charge other crystals, or alternatively, you can use a different crystal called selenite, which is also excellent for charging other crystals.
You can use this crystal to purify the energy in your home or workspace, to tap into your own energy and vibration when worn as a crystal necklace or other jewelry or on the body, or to transmute healing energy.
You can also place a chunk of clear quartz on a chakra that feels blocked to remove the blockage.
Additional Uses for Quartz
Clear quartz also makes a great crystal for divination.
You can make a pendulum by hanging a piece of clear quartz from a string, which slows it to function as an extension of your energy.
Ask the crystal to move horizontally for no (wait for it to respond), vertically for yes (again, wait for a response), and diagonally for maybe.
From here, you can ask any yes or no question you desire.
Perhaps test the pendulum from time to time with trick questions you know the answer to, to ensure accuracy.
To activate clear quartz, keep it on your person, and take it out in the world as jewelry or in your pocket.
This keeps it active and in tune.
You can also activate it by meditating with it, try the divination method described above.
This is the perfect all around crystal for your crystal starter kit.
2. Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s eye also makes one of he best crystals for beginners, as it is commonly found and easy to use.
This crystal works to stimulate our root and sacral chakras, which, when activated, give us a sense of security, stability and safety, as well as a sense of creativity, passion, and intimacy with others (respectively).
You can wear this crystal for protection, keep it in the home for balance, or use it on your chakras to remove blockages and negativity.
As an amulet of protection, it can be placed by front doors, windows, or near cribs or nurseries.
This crystal is grounding, bringing good luck and confidence.
How to Cleanse Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s eye can be cleansed in water, and charged by putting it back in the earth (bury it in soil, or under a favorite tree), or alternatively under the light of the moon.
Selenite (like this selenite bowl for recharging) or clear quartz also work to charge this crystal (and most any crystal!).
If you meditate with the crystal, hold it and visualize your inner strength and personal willpower growing and blossoming like a flower.
Physically, this flower can balance the endocrine system, and heal seasonal affective disorder.
It also clears negative energy, and builds self worth.
Metaphysically, this crystal can enhance one’s psychic abilities.
As a bonus, this crystal’s brown and gold tiger stripes make it easily identifiable to the beginner’s eye!
It’s definitely one of those crystals for beginners to add to your crystal starter kit for lower chakra (the first two, specifically) activation.
3. Amethyst
Amethyst is one of the must-have crystals for beginners.
It is commonly found in geode stores sold in massive chunks or tiny clusters.
It’s purple hue is almost unmistakable, and I will go over this in crystal number four!
Amethyst is said to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual realms.
Amethyst stimulates the top two chakras.
When it stimulates the third eye chakra, it alleviates feelings of depression, anxiety, and cynicism that can arise when the chakra is blocked.
It also unlocks one’s personal psychic abilities, since everyone has them, but not everyone is in tune to theirs.
By activating the third eye, we can see what can not be seen, meaning we cultivate our inner knowing and intuition.
As amethyst stimulates the crown chakra, we are able to be closer to the divine, and more closely communicate with higher consciousness.
We can reconnect to the world around us, we begin to receive those cosmic downloads that increase our personal wisdom.
How to Cleanse Amethyst
You can cleanse amethyst by smudging it with smoke from healing herbs such as palo santo or sage, or using sound (think singing bowl or chanting).
It can also be charged in the light of the moon.
This crystal can be added to the home or office, worn as jewelry, or meditated with in order to bring a sense of calm, creativity, serenity, protection, love, even better sleep.
It is the ultimate healer, both emotional and spiritually, and can even alleviate headaches and insomnia.
This is the perfect crystal to add to your crystal starter kit for the top two chakras.
4. Fluorite
Fluorite is next on the list of best crystals for beginners.
It can come in green, blue, purple, and sometimes yellow varieties, and you may at some point mistake an all purple specimen for amethyst.
You can always tell the difference, however, using the scratch test.
Amethyst can leave a scratch on fluorite, but not the other way around, due to their relative hardness.
If you don’t want to mark your fluorite, you can scratch both specimens on a piece of glass.
The fluorite (hardness: 4 Mohs) cannot scratch glass (5.5-7 Mohs), but amethyst (hardness 7 Moh) will be able to scratch glass most of the time).
The color of the fluorite will determine which chakra it activates.
If the fluorite is clear or white, it activates primarily the crown chakra, creating mental clarity and harmony.
Yellow fluorite activates the solar plexus, bringing joy, confidence, positivity, and self assurance.
Blue fluorite stimulates the throat chakra, and will help you find your voice and speak your truth loud and proud.
Rainbow fluorite (sometimes containing just purple and green, sometimes more of the colors mentioned above), is perhaps my personal favorite.
It simultaneously grounds and stabilizes you, while increasing intuition, psychic ability, creativity, and connection to the divine and higher consciousness.
Remember, fluorite is water soluble and this should never be placed in water or it will break down the crystal!
A general rule of thumb is that if it ends in “ite,” it is not water safe.
It’s always best to double check.
You can instead cleanse it with smoke from incense or by smudging it with medicinal herbs, and you can charge it in the light of the moon.
Full moons and even new moons are an excellent time for this.
Even though there’s no visible moon light with the new moon, it is great to charge crystals with energy for new beginnings.
5. Lapis Lazuli
Lapis lazuli the next of the crystals for beginners in this crystal starter kit list, known for stimulating our throat chakra as it represents universal truth.
It is known to stimulate psychic intuition and inner knowing.
Use this crystal by meditating with it, or simply holding it in your hand, as it quickly relieves you of stress, leaving behind a sense of bliss and serenity.
This stone is incredibly peaceful, used long ago by ancient healers.
How to Cleanse Lapis Lazuli
To cleanse and charge lapis lazuli, stick to using sounds, smoke, incense, moonlight, and other crystals such as clear quartz and selenite.
This crystal can fade or become damaged in sunlight and water!
Alternatively, do not put the lapis lazuli in salt directly, but rather, place it in a bowl which will then be placed in another bowl containing salt.
This is a great way to cleanse its energy.
Even though handling lapis lazuli can be a little bit more complicated than some other crystals, it is still included on this list because of the immense healing opportunity it can provide.
Meditate with this crystal when you need something to be brought forth with clarity, or to shed light on a situation which is currently clouded.
Use it to stimulate your throat chakra when you feel like you have no voice, or are unable to speak your truth.
This crystal will give you the ability to do so.
It is also said to help the third eye chakra, as this is the seat of our inner knowing and psychic intuition.
This crystal can heal depression and insomnia, self awareness, and self expression.
Use it to guide you when you feel lost.
6. Citrine
Citrine is the next beginners for beginners crystal to add to your starter kit.
This is the ultimate sunshine stone.
It is said that citrine cannot hold onto negative energy, making it the perfect pick me up for a troubling day.
Physically, citrine can bring energy and heal the thyroid.
Being a crystal which activates the second chakra (the sacral chakra), citrine will give a big confidence boost, help us manifest our highest potential, and activate our creativity and imagination.
For that reason, it’s a great artist’s stone.
You can keep it nearby or in your pocket while you work on your art to manifest your best artistry.
This crystal also releases anger and negatively.
Citrine also activates our solar plexus chakra, meaning that it simultaneously keeps us grounded and centered while we grow our confidence and self assuredness.
It’s as if we are a tree growing in thick roots into the ground to keep us steady while we grow our confidence.
If you struggle to stay positive, try citrine!
How to Cleanse Citrine
To cleanse this crystal, simply use the water, either running or in a jar or bowl, with or without soap (kill two birds with one stone and cleanse energetically and physically).
To charge citrine, light a yellow candle (here is a good soy option!), and visualize the light and warmth of the flame filling the citrine up like positive energy.
Use this crystal anytime you need some sunshine, positivity, uplifting your environment, to attract what you want, to boost your confidence, and embrace your creativity.
7. Green Aventurine
Green aventurine is the next stone you should be aware of of when looking for the best crystals for beginners.
Anyone starting a business recently, I’m looking at you!
Like many crystals, it is technically a variety of quartzes, but with a little pizzazz.
This crystal brings the wearer a sense of purpose, confidence, and prosperity.
It is also a crystal of protection.
The combination of prosperity and protection it brings makes it perfect for someone embarking on a new business journey.
Green aventurine also activates our heart chakra.
It also helps break you out of old patterns, old thought patterns and behaviors that are holding you back.
An “out with the old and in with the new” kind of stone, green aventurine allows you to let go of that which no longer serves you, and invites in the strength, courage, and decisiveness your need for a better life.
Place this stone wherever you would like to invite in abundance — perhaps in your office!
Drop it in your purse or pocket, or take it to work if you want to boost your tips or sales.
This crystal will also bring more clear and compassionate communication.
Wear green aventurine over your neck to keep it close to your heart chakra.
How to Cleanse Green Aventurine
To cleanse this crystal, water works great!
Not all crystals are water safe, but this one sure is.
To charge green aventurine, it’s best to do so with plants or nature.
The green crystal will pick up the positive energy from the green leaves and stems of the plants you place it in, and plants themselves neutralize negative energy into positive, so this is the ultimate secret weapon for charging green aventurine.
8. Hematite
Hematite is next in our list of the best crystals for beginners, and perhaps my personal favorite crystal.
This mesmerizing piece is the total root chakra healer.
If you need to invite stability into your life, this is the crystal for you.
It will keep you grounded and centered whenever it is with you, as well as give you a sense of peace, confidence, and positive thoughts.
It helps relieve stress and anxiety, and promotes a general sense of well being.
Many people wear hematite rings to utilize these benefits, as well as to provide protection, balance, and strength.
Sometimes these rings will break, which is a sign that the hematite has served its purpose and can no longer continue…time to get a new one!
This crystal is also said to balance yin and yang energies, as well as to help with circulation, blood pressure, and heavy periods.
If you don’t want a hematite ring, you could also use a hematite bracelet, or simply keep the ring in your pocket, where it will be very close to your root chakra.
Place this crystal in your office or at work to assist in balancing your work-play life, or to keep a peaceful positive atmosphere.
How to Cleanse Hematite
To cleanse this stone, use smoke from incense or healing herbs like dragon’s blood, frankincense, myrrh, or juniper.
Remember, crystals whose name ends in “ite” typically dissolve in water.
Always double check with a trusted source if you aren’t sure, but this is a general rule of thumb.
So, water is off the board for cleaning this one!
To charge hematite, surround it with your other crystals on your altar or in a bowl, or try laying it over a selenite wand.
One of my favorite ways to use hematite is in conjunction with opal.
I’ll tell you about opal next!
9. Opal
Can you guess number nine of our favorite crystals for beginners for your beginner crystal starter kit?
You guessed it, opal!
Remember when the Arctic Monkeys said “head in the clouds, but my gravity centered”?
That’s what I think of when I carry hematite and opal together.
Hematite does the grounding and centering, while opal activates our higher chakras to bring us into the clouds and connect us to the divinity and our own highest consciousness.
Opal amplifies your own energy, meaning it takes what you put out, amplifies it and sends it back like a boomerang.
That makes this crystal the ultimate “law of attraction stone.”
Whatever you put out in this universe will come back to you, positive or negative.
This is the “reap what you sow” crystal.
Use this crystal when you need clarity or energy, or look to this crystal when you feel lost and need guidance from your higher self.
Physically, opal assists in liver health, as well as flushing out the system.
This crystal heals relationships, and assists in our maturation process as it makes us responsible for our own actions and the results of these actions (remember the law of attraction thing?).
Due to its high energy, opal helps connect us to the spirit realm for anyone looking to connect with their angels or their ancestors.
It also connects us to our psychic abilities.
Even though it is so great for our crown chakra and third eye chakra (connection to the divine and inner intuition, respectively), it is able to relieve blockages in most any chakra due to its super high energy.
Because of opals high water content, we can use it to activate water energy within ourselves.
The energy of water is feminine, soft yet powerful; receptive, and unconditionally loving.
Using opal will both strengthen and cleanse our auras.
How to Cleanse Opal
When charging and cleansing opal, avoid sunlight and salt.
You can run it under cold water after a baby energy session on occasion, as long as it is brief and not using hot water.
An even safer method to cleanse opal is using smoke.
To charge opal, leave it in the moonlight, or use an old Native American technique of rubbing the crystal between your palms.
Make sure to meditate beforehand and have a clear head and steady positive energy when trying this.
10. Obsidian
Obsidian is like an energetic shield to keep us safe and protect our energy.
While obsidian is of course one of our favorite crystals for beginners, this shiny black beauty is not to be trifled with.
Be careful with your crystal, as it’s edges can be razor sharp!
If you’re worried about this, you can use a tumbled variety so the edges are smoothed and round.
Obsidian heals our root chakra, our center of security and safety.
Because obsidian is volcanic glass, it is related to the element of fire.
Fire is all about transformation, since it can turn any substance into a completely different substance through a chemical reaction.
In the same way, this crystal can transform us and allow us to grow into whatever it is we want to manifest.
Fire is also known for its ability to purify, and surely enough we can use obsidian to purify our own energy and aura when we feel overcome with negativity.
Black obsidian also increases our self control, and balances our energy.
It gives us support and guidance as we transform ourselves and our lives and manifest all of our dreams.
Take obsidian with you at work to protect your energy, or in your car or in your purse simply to keep you out of harm’s way through your daily activities.
How to Charge Obsidian
Black obsidian needs to be charged fairly regularly.
If you would like an even more beginner stone to provide similar properties like protection and balance, try using black tourmaline!
Otherwise, charging black obsidian is fairly simple.
Place it near Himalayan pink salt to cleanse it of old energy.
Recharge it by placing it with other amplifying crystals such as clear quartz, by programming it with a healing frequency from a singing bowl, or hold it as you meditate on your intention for this crystal, making sure this is done very clearly.
11. Rose Quartz
Rose quartz’s is one of the most beginner friendly crystals out there and one everyone could benefit from when it comes to crystals for beginners.
This is the crystal of love!
And I’m not just talking romance, but self love!
This is the type of crystal to lay around your bathroom as you light candles and draw a bubble bath with some music playing and the lights low.
Rose quartz will heal your heart and throat chakra, and restore your sense of peace, serenity, and self love.
This is a big hug from an old friend in crystal form!
Rose quartz helps physically by aiding in pregnancy, and balancing circulation and heart health.
It emotionally heals us by soothing old emotional wounds, and letting compassion into our hearts, both for ourselves and for others.
Rose quarts make excellent jewelry, especially as a crystal necklace where it can be worn directly over the heart.
How to Cleanse Rose Quartz
Cleanse this crystal using salt water, or smudging it with smoke as you focus on your intention for this crystal.
Rose quartz can be recharged in the light of the moon.
Because rose quartz is associated with feminine energy (yin energy), the moonlight does wonders for it since the moon is also closely connected to this same type of energy.
Be wary of leaving this crystal in the sun, as this can make its pink color fade away.
12. Red Jasper
Red jasper is next on our list of crystals for beginners, and it is another great crystal to ground your energy.
This crystal will breathe life back into us and fulfill our inner power when we need it most.
It is a nurturing stone that helps us feel stable and safe no matter how much our boat may rock.
It also keeps our circulation healthy and balances our sexual energy.
It is a crystal that gives us our focus and strength when we are challenged or overcoming obstacles.
It gives us the courage and strength to do whatever it is we set our minds to.
If you’re running out of steam on a project or goal, spend some time meditating with this crystal to revitalize your inner power.
Red jasper is known for awakening the kundalini energy.
In yoga philosophy, kundalini energy is symbolized by a serpent laying dormant at the base of our spine.
When we are able to balance our yin and yang energy (in our bodies as the left and right sides, the ida and pingala), then we awaken the kundalini energy, which begins to spiral upwards as the serpent begins its journey up our spine.
This is what happens when we experience spiritual awakenings, and connect with our highest consciousness.
Of course, red jasper cannot do all the work for you, but if you are practicing kundalini yoga or meditating on this, try keeping a red jasper pendant on or a crystal in your pocket.
You can also wear this crystal simply for strength, protection, creativity, or for more pleasure in the bedroom.
To cleanse red jasper, use smoke from incense of smudging herbs, and recharge it in the light of the full moon.
13. Bloodstone
If you liked red jasper, you will love bloodstone.
This green crystal has red specks in it, and the red specks are actually jasper!
This crystal will also provide us with strength and courage, while also working our heart chakra as it pumps compassion back into our veins.
Physically, the crystal aids the immune system and heals wounds and all things related to the blood.
This crystal will also ward off negativity, and keep us feeling safe and supported on whatever journey we are on.
Bloodstone can allow us to open back up and find trust, compassion, and connection, as it unblocks our heart chakra and cracks it wide open.
It can promote a sense of productivity as well, making it great to take with you at work or wherever you go.
This crystal is amazing for its grounding properties, because like a tree that is strong and allows water to rise up from the roots to the leaves, this crystal allows positive energy to rise up from our base chakra all the way to the crown, removing any blockages along its way.
Bloodstone can be worn in jewelry such as a crystal necklace, where it will provide healing energy for wherever it falls on the skin.
How to Cleanse Bloodstone
Cleanse bloodstone under running water, such as a river or even the faucet.
It is important to allow the heavy energy it has absorbed to be washed away.
To recharge it, put it in soil where it can draw positive energy back in from Mother Nature, and old energy can be neutralized back into positive through the Earth.
14. White Howlite
White howlite is next on the list of crystals for beginners, and for any artists out there or those who want to reconnect with their artistry, this one is perfect for you.
It stimulates our inspiration, our creativity, and our artistic expression.
It also provides us with infinite patience, stimulates our ambitions, and guides us as we achieve those ambitions.
White howlite also strengthens our memory, and drives our thirst for knowledge.
This crystal even alleviates our rage, pain, and reduces stress.
All of these healing properties combined makes for the perfect mindset to create art.
With anger and sorrow displaced by patience and hunger for knowledge, and with stress and negativity displaced by motivation and vision, we are in the perfect climate to create.
White howlite is calming overall, it brings awareness to light, softens communication, and facilitates gentle expressing of the emotions.
On a physical level, howlite regulates calcium levels in the body, making it a great crystal to assist in soft tissue, bone, and teeth health, fighting ailments such as osteoporosis.
Fun fact, this crystal is often referred to as “the imitation stone”, since some scammers color the crystal in order to pull it off as turquoise.
Always be wary of new or non-reputable resources.
These types of practices are quite a shame, because howlite, like every crystal, is perfectly strong and beautiful all on its own!
Other Uses for Howlite
You can use this crystal for beginners when your mind is racing with anxiety and intrusive thoughts.
In these times, howlite will grant you patience and perspectives, while slowing down your thoughts.
It’s incredibly calming, to the point of even slowing the heartbeat and breath.
White howlite can be worn at the crown of the head to connect with the divine or over the third eye to connect with inner intuition — particularly knowledge of past lives.
You can also place howlite under your pillow while you sleep, and no matter how much your mind races it will bring a sense of calm.
How to Cleanse Howlite
Cleanse your howlite in running water, or in a bowl of brown rice — simple!
Howlite loves to be charged in the light of the moon.
Even better, charge it on cold and clear nights, when the moon is full, and its beams are thick and white like those of white howlite.
15. Moonstone
Moonstone is next on the list for your beginner crystal starter kit.
This crystal is all about yin energy and new beginnings, just like the energy from the actual moon!
This crystal comes in many varieties: blue, yellow, rainbow, gray, and white.
Physically, moonstone helps in fertility issues, pregnancy, and parenting.
Moonstone can bring an element of harmony into your life, and it is a gentle reminder of the cyclical nature of life, and that nothing is permanent.
This crystal helps us embrace new beginnings as the world continues to turn.
Moonstone mainly activates the heart, third eye, and crown chakra.
This means it helps to open our hearts to compassion and love, and retire our feminine (yin) energy.
It also opens us up to receive messages from the divine and our own inner wisdom.
How to Charge Moonstone
To cleanse and charge your crystal, put it under running water and then leave it in your windowsill under the light of the full moon.
Moonstone reacts super well to this combination!
You can even make your own moon water under the full moon (for manifesting) or the new moon (for new beginnings) by charging a jar of water with the moonstone in the jar, or on top of the jar and the moonlight beaming down on it.
This method also works with any crystal of your choice.
Just make sure if the crystal is not waterproof that you put it on top of the jar of water, rather than in it.
16. Jade
Jade is another one of our favorite crystals for beginners, often seen in various kinds of jewelry.
Being a green crystal, jade works on the heart chakra, removing any blockages, especially when worn directly over the heart.
Darker shades of this crystal can also bring the wearer a deep sense of grounding and centering.
Jade is also said to bring luck to those who carry it.
It is also a great crystal to use if you would like to attract abundance or prosperity into your life.
Other Uses for Jade
If your anxiety is running high, take time to slow down and meditate with this beautiful crystal.
Many people make jade rollers, where the crystal is smoothed down and is meant to be rolled along the skin not only for the metaphysical healing properties, but in order to prevent wrinkles and bring circulation to the skin.
Jade is a great recovery stone for those healing from physical or emotional wounds.
It also restores our intuition and helps us interpret our dreams.
Physically, it heals our kidneys and spleen.
Cleanse this stone under running water or smudge it with your herb of choice.
How to Make Your Own Crystal Starter Kit
Now for the fun part…pick and choose from this list which crystals you feel most drawn to!
Try to find a balance of crystals that are associated with each of the seven chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown) as you begin developing your collection.
With a good balance of crystals for each chakra, you can ensure that your energy is flowing without any blockages, and that you are able to find balance between the chakras.
After reading this list of the best crystals for beginners, which one speaks to you the most? Which crystal will be the first that you will add to your beginner crystal starter kit?
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