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7 Ways to Stay Hydrated While Traveling

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and The Coca-Cola Company. All opinions are mine alone. #HydrateYourDay #CollectiveBias

Vitamin Water Zero to Hydrate

It seems like we’re always on the go in our household. We’ve obviously started traveling more since I graduated college last May, and plans haven’t slowed down even after R. started classes again a few weeks ago.

Though we didn’t do much traveling in August due to moving into our new home, things picked back up last weekend as per usual with an amazing trip to Lake Placid. I couldn’t have been happier to be on the road again, even though the timing wasn’t necessarily ideal having just moved into our first house (we don’t even have curtains/blinds yet 🙈).

All that said, the trip was so worth it. In fact, it really was the perfect getaway. It was also pretty neat that our trip fell on the exact one year mark from the date we’ll get married on in 2019.

With all that’s going on in our new space and the added pressure of starting to get into wedding planning mode though, let’s not talk about that anymore today! Don’t think that just because we bought a house, we won’t still be en route to some great new adventures…I’ve got my passport ready to go, friends. I just need to figure out where we’re headed next.

In the meantime though, let’s chat about our recent trip to White Face Mountain and how I managed to trek up the fifth highest mountain in New York, seemingly (and shockingly) unscathed. More importantly, I want to get into some of my favorite tips on how to hydrate while traveling…because this totally saved my butt while we were hiking all weekend in the Adirondacks!

7 Ways to Stay Hydrated While Traveling

1. Recognize the Need

Staying hydrated contributes to optimal health and exercise, yet many consumers don’t drink the daily recommended amount of liquids. In fact, Mayo Clinic recommends we consume 6.3 cups of liquids per day.

The average person consumes only 2.5.

It’s easy to get so wrapped up in your travel plans that you forget the need to hydrate. It doesn’t have to be this way though! Recognizing that you need to hydrate while traveling and also the fact that it may be more of a challenge due to a busy schedule is the first step to actually doing it.

2. Plan Ahead

When I got the itinerary for our Lake Placid adventure, the first thing I noticed was the abundance of hiking trips on the schedule. I was excited about this, but I also realized that I needed to go ahead and come up with a game plan. One of the first things I did actually was make a Target run for some vitaminwater® zero squeezed®. I also picked up a DASANI® as well, so we’d have a few options during our trip. I’m happy I thought of this, because the drinks were so refreshing when we reached the top of the mountain!

Dasani Water to Hydrate

3. Choose the Right Bag

Planning ahead won’t do you any good if you leave all your drinks at home. Make sure you invest in a practical, high-quality travel bag. It doesn’t have to be expensive or super fancy, but it should be something that can hold all of your necessities (your wallet, passport, hotel keys, and favorite drink).

If it seems like a hassle fitting your vitaminwater® zero squeezed® or DASANI® into your purse, it’s probably not the greatest travel bag after all. I learned this the hard way with my shoulder bag. It wouldn’t zip when I tried to fit both drinks inside, and R. didn’t bring his own…

Needless to say, I’ll be on the lookout for a new purse/backpack before my next big trip!

4. Pack a Cooler

Want to go beyond finding and bringing along the perfect travel bag? Pack a cooler, too! We did this for the car ride to Lake Placid, and it was fantastic. All our drinks and snacks were perfectly chilled, making us all the more likely to actually want to eat them.

5. Monitor Your Activity

Another tip for staying hydrated while you travel? Monitor your activity. You’ll need to adjust how you hydrate according to your activity levels, so make sure you keep that in mind. You’re also more likely to become dehydrated while flying on a plane, so stock up on extra liquids at the airport if you know you’ve got a long flight ahead of you.

6. Track Your Intake

Did you know there are apps that allow you to track your liquid intake, just to make sure you hydrate properly? You can also of course keep track of these things on a piece of paper or the notes app on your phone, but this is an accurate way to make sure you’re always getting enough fluids despite your busy travel schedule.

Vitamin Water Zero to Hydrate

7. Listen to Your Body

When it comes down to it, no one knows your body better than you. Check in on yourself every once and awhile and make sure you’re still feeling great. Even if you’re not totally parched, still hydrate often. Take a few sips of your beverage when you’re feeling thirsty, always keep a drink on hand, and you’re golden!

Honestly, I don’t know what we would have done if we hadn’t remembered to hydrate on this trip to Lake Placid. Being outdoors all day, it was essential for us to keep our liquid intake up and remember to drink when we were thirsty.

I really hope that some of these tips have been helpful, as I think there are WAY too many people who forget to take care of themselves and hydrate while they’re traveling. Your health is your greatest wealth, and you are never too busy to grab a drink and stay hydrated!

What’s your favorite way to hydrate while traveling? Do you have a go-to drink, or any other tips to share on how to stay hydrated while you’re on the go? I’d love to hear!

+ Don’t forget to grab one of my favorites, like vitaminwater® zero squeezed® or DASANI®, before your next trip!



Holly is a millennial travel and lifestyle writer based in New York. With ten years of experience in digital publishing and photography starting with her work writing for College Fashionista and Her Campus at Ithaca College, Holly has been featured in publications such as Southern Living and Lonely Planet. She enjoys sharing her travel expertise as well as lifestyle inspiration in categories such as home décor, DIY beauty, and fashion. More importantly though, Holly is a true Hufflepuff, and her Starbucks order forever remains a grande Iced Sweet Cream Cold Brew. When she's not writing or editing photos for this site, you can find her reading anything in the Sarah J. Maas universe or cuddling with her chihuahua x pomeranian pup Pixie.