In my blogging career thus far, I’ve been hesitant to share my personal life with my readers. What can I say? I like to keep people guessing. However, I thought it’d be fun to do a little sneak peek into my room and highlight a few of my favorite things.
Revlon Matte Pink Pout 002
First and foremost, let’s talk about my newest obsession — bubblegum lips. I know, sounds so first grade right? I was (and still kind of am) all about my bubblegum Smackers. That’s not what I’m talking about here though. Spring feels so close within reach, so I’m integrating brighter colors into my wardrobe and beauty routines one step at a time. So, a fun lip like Revlon’s Matte Pink Pout felt like a natural choice to brighten up my look.
TIP: Go easy on the rest of your makeup when trying the “pink pout”. All you need is some foundation, bronzer and a little mascara. This enables the lip to be the primary focus, which is important when choosing bright/bold colors. Nobody wants to look like Barbie!
Because the power of positive thinking can do wonderful things
Moving on from my latest obsession with bright pink lips, have you guys read #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso? I’m assuming that ya’ll are serial entrepreneurs/workaholics like myself and, if you are, you have to read this book. I read it this fall and rediscovered it when I was cleaning out my bookshelves. Totally rereading…it’s just that good!
Wanna be a #GIRLBOSS? Check out Sophia Amoruso’s (the founder and CEO of Nastygal) book!
I didn’t actually indulge in these sweet swirly ‘pops, but they were too pretty to pass up.
The ‘bubblegum lip’ in action.
Other news: I’ve been super busy lately with school, but I promise I’m working on some exciting upcoming projects for you guys! I CANNOT WAIT until I can dedicate all my time to maintaining this site and I’m outrageously excited for what the warmer weather will bring (HINT: Think travel).
Hope you all enjoyed a little glimpse into my space. Have a great week and stay tuned for some exciting upcoming projects coming soon!